
Mission: To operate programs designed to train and support persons with varying degrees of developmental disabilities and/or mental retardation. Programs: Adult program - progressive directions, inc. Provides residential services and training to individuals with mental disabilities. The agency operates 7 group homes and adult day care service centers. Sub-contract activities provide for client job training and skill development which trains the clients to be an effective employee in a work setting. early intervention services - the state of tennessee developed early intervention services to provide families the opportunity to provide their children with the optimal development and to facilitate the children's participation in family and community activities. Progressive directions, inc. Provides early intervention services at the kids depot daycare. kids depot day care - progressive directions, inc. Serves children ages one to twelve years.

Mission: Lifespire, inc. (the agency) serves individuals with developmental disabilities and their families through various programs which include, but are not limited to, residential, habilitation and day programs. The agency is funded through government programs, consumer contributions and gifts. It is the agency's aim to provide individuals with developmental disabilities the assistance and support necessary to achieve a level of functional behaviors and cognitive skills to enable them to maintain themselves in their community in the most integrated and independent manner possible.

Blind & Visually Impaired Centers, Disabilities, Human Services

Mission: The Arc is an association formed in 1950 by family members and friends of people with mental retardation. Today there are 120,000 members and nearly 1,000 state and local chapters. The primary objective of the Arc is to secure for all people with mental retardation the opportunity to choose and realize their goals of where and how they learn, live, work, and play. The Arc is further committed to reducing the incidence and limiting the consequence of mental retardation through education, research, advocacy, and the support of families, friends, and the community.

Blind & Visually Impaired Centers, Disabilities, Human Services

Mission: The autism foundation of north carolina, inc. Holds various property and endowment assets for the purpose of supporting the mission of the autism society, inc. Programs: The foundation rents various facilities to the autism society of north carolina so that they may better enhance the lives of individuals with autism and their families.

Mission: In 136 L''Arche communities and 36 countries around the world, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those without share their lives in community. These communities are signs of hope where: People are welcomed, celebrated, and encouraged to grow as human beings;People are transformed through intimate bonds with others; andJustice, compassion and faith are practiced in the smallest acts of daily living. This international movement, known as L’Arche, fosters compassion for all people, honoring differences of intellectual capacity, social origin, religion, culture, race and belief. L’Arche means “the ark” in French and embodies a place of belonging and hope, grounded in faith and trust in God. Target demographics: people with developmental disabilities. Geographic areas served: the USA and all around the world Programs: L'Arche is an International Federation dedicated to the creation and growth of homes, programs, and support networks with people who have intellectual disabilities. It was founded in 1964 when Jean Vanier, the son of Canadian Governor General Georges Vanier and Pauline Vanier, welcomed two men with disabilities into his home in the town of Trosly-Breuil, France. Today, it is an international organization operating 146 communities in 35 countries around the world. The first L’Arche community in the United States was founded in 1972 in Erie, Pennsylvania. Today, L’Arche USA includes 18 communities located in Iowa, Virginia, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Kansas, Alabama, Massachusetts, Washington, Oregon, New York, California, Washington D.C., Georgia, and Missouri, as well as three emerging communities in Central Virginia, New York, and Colorado. Each community is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

Developmentally Disabled Centers, Disabilities, Human Services